GNMI produced digital content for the Adal platform as a part of the asynchronous side of the content. 08 role model videos, a series of 26 podcasts (Adal Talks) and 12 subject explainers by subject experts, 3-course illustration videos, and 4 webinars were produced by GNMI (inspirational personalities from training or criminal justice system overall) and were disseminated on digital media platforms to promote and recognize women in Pakistan’s criminal justice system. On the other hand, another major impact to be calculated by disseminating these role model videos on digital media platforms was spreading the word to a wider audience. It eventually motivated other women to actively recruit in Pakistan’s criminal justice system.
To measure the numbers, a 20% direct digital audience was engaged in discourse on shattering the glass ceiling in the criminal justice sector during four (4) webinars that were conducted with 109 participants (59 women, 50 men) along with 1 Twitter space. The 8 inspirational videos of 8 women in the criminal justice sector that were produced and published subsequently triggered 99.7% positive discourse among the direct digital audience and raised awareness of 21,009 direct digital audiences (viewers). During the end of the project evaluation, it was depicted that 67% of women participants will keep on using digital content and online activities to advance women’s role in the criminal justice system, as well as the evaluation, reveals 60% and 62% results against levels of knowledge from women in the criminal justice system and level of empowerment from women in the criminal justice system. More empowered and skilled women in the criminal justice system with the ability to advance in their careers, assume leadership positions, and facilitate women in access to justice.