Empowering Awareness through Multi-Faceted Digital Initiatives

G-TALKS – Weekly Digital Talk-Show: The dynamic G-TALKS, a 18-episode digital talk-show on GNMI’s platform, aimed to destigmatize Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Punjab. Through engaging discussions with influential public figures, it sought to dismantle the silence around GBV. Guest experts from diverse walks of life illuminated this sensitive topic, with a focus on GBV’s […]

Expert Consultation

An expert consultation to affirm findings from a comprehensive study on ethical media reporting of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) cases, survivor support services, and criminal justice processes in Punjab was conducted. This consultation convened subject matter experts and stakeholders to validate the study’s outcomes, delving into responsible media coverage, inter-organizational coordination, family law components, and digital […]


GNMI conducted an insightful study on ethical media reporting practices for Gender-Based Violence (GBV) cases, survivor support services information in Punjab’s target districts, and GBV’s criminal justice processes. This data-driven study culminated in a series of publications, strategically designed for public awareness: GBV Pocket Guide: An accessible printed pocket publication tailored for journalists and digital […]

Training: Empowering GBV Reporting through Workshops

As part of the “Gender Justice Punjab” project, the Global Neighborhood for Media Innovation (GNMI) orchestrated a sequence of six one-day sensitization workshops. These workshops successfully engaged more than 180 journalists and digital content creators hailing from six specifically identified districts. The workshop’s multifaceted objectives were as follows: Raising Awareness: Heightening awareness and understanding of […]

Curriculum Development: Enhancing GBV Reporting Skills

Our training curriculum is rooted in comprehensive needs assessment studies conducted within media outlets. Modules have been shaped by insights from Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), addressing identified gaps. With the media’s potential as a powerful advocacy tool against gender bias and violence, our modules aim to empower journalists covering GBV. […]

Training Need Assessment (TNA)

Our project begins with a crucial step – the Training Needs Assessment (TNA), which uncovers the exact training needs for journalists in Gender-Based Violence (GBV) reporting. This empowers participants by addressing knowledge gaps, enhancing their expertise, and driving their professional growth. The insights collected during TNA shape our evaluation and impact survey. Core TNA objectives […]

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