GNMI Arranged A Fact-Checking Workshop for Journalists of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
The COVID-19 pandemic has turned into an unprecedented challenge for the entire world, affecting not only individuals’ health but also everything they do in their daily routines. It has also changed the years-old journalism practices forcing journalists to adopt new techniques and digital tools in their reporting and other related jobs. It was a standard […]
Fighting on the Frontlines: Women Politicians and Journalists share their COVID-19 and Polio campaign stories with GNMI
Global Neighbourhood for Media Innovation (GNMI) invited women politicians and journalists from Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to tell their COVID stories in a webinar with public. The webinar went live on official page of GNMI with the title ‘Women on the Frontlines of Polio Eradication & Covid-19 Response’. Founder and president of GNMI Najia Ashar […]